About LifeManifestos
LifeManifestos was born out of a desire to make the world a better place, by helping others find and embrace their mission and purpose in life.
man·i·fes·to [man-uh-fes-toh]:
a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives…
The concept for LifeManifestos was born when our founder discovered the Holstee company manifesto. As he read it he was inspired by it’s profound message and thought how impactful it could be to have his children grow up reading it’s inspirational message.
It was then that the spark began to grow in his mind. There are so many situations and purposes that can evoke similar passion, carry great weight and help focus on greater mission and vision. That spark took hold, igniting a fire within, and he started creating many different manifestos that were all created with individuals that strive for excellence and significance in mind.
The first was our beloved Family Manifesto, it captured the hearts and minds of thousands of individuals and families. It resonated on a core level with individuals that wanted to foster similar ideals in their own families. Many other manifestos have followed and continue to inspire the world.
The manifesto that resonates with you is your planted flag claiming your territory, your line in the sand beyond which you will not cross, it is the standard that you wave high above your head declaring what values matter most to you.
Each of our manifestos are created with the firm belief that words and art can inspire individuals to change the world around them.
As individuals and businesses display these manifestos, of bold proclamations and vision, new conversations arise. Principles, ideas and ideals are shared, considered, discussed and debated in ways that may have seemed unlikely or impossible otherwise.
We feel the concept of having and sharing a manifesto is a poetically profound expression of who you are, what you believe, and what you stand for. They serve as a constant reminder to always strive for improvement, to follow your bliss, and to make a difference in the world each day.
Discover Your Manifesto
Take a moment to browse through our store and find the manifesto that resonates best with you. Check out our other products that can help to inspire you and focus your efforts each day.